The two attempt to pass through nearby port-town Paddlewick, a human town unfriendly to orcs and goblins. Lying their way through the gates, with Scram the goblin disguised as Zola’s kid nephew, the two hit up local tavern: The Salty Rose (after Scram performs some hobbyist pickpocketing on a few drunk citizens). Zola attempts to pick up some work at the bar, but Scram’s disguise fades and the bartender is enraged by the presence of a goblin.
Luckily for Scram (and unfortunately for the townsfolk of Paddlewick) they are, at that moment, attacked by more Grimlock. As fires go up in the town and the villagers begin to scream, Zola and Scram leap into action…
Chapter One: Paddlewick Problems
Our story begins in Emaralia: a continent in the world of Feyfall. The central third of Emaralia is ruled by the Aurealian Empire, which took power 25 years ago during the War of the Mare Emara, when all of the inland countries battled for control of the sea. Eventually, most came under the banner of Emperor Autark Aurealius to banish Orcs, Goblins, and anyone they considered a threat north of the Ouroboros Mountains.
Eighteen years later, half-orc teenager, Gorgonzola Parma, leaves her home, a humble dairy farm, in the dead of night. She says goodbye to her favorite cow, armed only with her long-lost mother’s sword and armor on her way to find adventure and become a hero.
Before that can happen, she runs into a strange, impulsive goblin named Scram, a Wild Magic sorcerer who possesses a mysterious, iridescent Shard of magical crystal, and is running from… something. At first, the two get off on the wrong foot— Zola kicking Scram accidentally in the head, and Scram hiding in a bush, but they quickly realize they could be unlikely allies. Scram and Zola attempt to pass by nearby port-town Paddlewick, but are immediately attacked by a greasy grey monster known as a Grimlock. Scram is petrified of the creature, attempting to disguise himself as its mother, but Zola beheads it handily with her own mother’s greatsword.